
Dr Shakeel Shahdad

Books, Articles and International Lectures

Peri-implantitis is like a dental tsunami waiting to happen
Clinical Problem Solving in Periodontology and Implantology
Co-authors: Francis Hughes, Kevin Seymour, Wendy Turner, Francis Nohl, Shakeel Shahdad
ITI Treatment Guide – Volume 12 ​
Chapter contribution
Dentally Related Issues in Sjogren's Sydrome ​
Co-author chapter contribution in the book "Sjogren's Syndrome"
Fuller Jennifer, Shakeel Shahdad


  • 1. Din A, Althoefer K, Farkhatdinov I, Brown J, Morgan C, Shahdad S. A collaborative journey between NHS clinicians, engineers, academics and industry. (2020) SURGE 873,
  • 2. Din A, Hindocha A, Patel A, Sudarshan S, Cagney N, Koched A, Mueller J, Seoudi N, Morgan C, Shahdad S, Fleming P. Quantitative particle analysis of particulate matter release during orthodontic procedures: A pilot study. Br Dent J (2020).
  • 3. Shahdad, S., Patel, T., Hindocha, A., Cagney, N., Mueller, J, Seoudi, N., Morgan, C., Din, A. The efficacy of an extraoral scavenging device on reduction of splatter contamination during dental aerosol generating procedures: an exploratory study. Br Dent J (2020).
  • 4. Shahdad, S., Gamble, E., Matani, J., Zhang, L., & Gambôa, A. (2020). Randomized clinical trial comparing PEG-based synthetic to porcine-derived collagen membrane in the preservation of alveolar bone following tooth extraction in anterior maxilla. Clinical Oral Implants Research, 31, 1010-1024.
  • 5. Johal A, Hassan E, Zou L, Wong F, Shahdad S, Al-Klash R. The influence of mild versus severe hypodontia on the facial soft tissues? A 3-dimensional optical laser scanning-based Cohort study. J Ortho (2020) DOI: 10.1177/1465312520967016/ ID: JOO-20-0157.R1.
  • 6. James M, Matani J, Shahdad S. Prosthetic rehabilitation of a patient diagnosed with sarcoidosis using dental implants – A case report. J Oral Implantol (2020) 46 (3): 235–243.
  • 7. Feine J, Abou-Ayash S, Al Mardini M, de Santana RB, Bjelke-Holtermann T, Bornstein MM, Braegger U, Cao O, Cordaro L, Eycken D, Fillion M, Gebran G, Huynh-Ba G, Joda T, Levine R, Mattheos N, Oates TW, Abd-Ul-Salam H, Santosa R, Shahdad S, Storelli S, Sykaras N, Treviño Santos A, Stephanie Webersberger U, Williams MAH, Wilson TG Jr, Wismeijer D, Wittneben JG, Yao CJ, Zubiria JPV. Group 3 ITI Consensus Report: Patient-reported outcome measures associated with implant dentistry. COIR. 2018 Oct;29 Suppl 16:270-275. doi: 10.1111/clr.13299.
  • 8. Shahdad S, Cattell M, Cano J, Gamble E. Zirconia Framework Resin Bonded Bridges – A clinical case series. Eur J Prosthodont Restor Dent. 2018 Nov 29;26(4):203-211. doi: 10.1922/EJPRD_01810Shahdad09
  • 9. Macedo RM, Lacerda SA, Okamoto R, Shahdad S, Brentegani LG. Vital bone formation after grafting of autogenous bone and biphasic calcium phosphate bioceramic in extraction sockets of rats: histological, histometric and immunohistochemical evaluation. Implant Dent. 2018 Dec;27(6):615-622. doi: 10.1097/ID.0000000000000815.
  • 10. D'Onofrio A, Kent N, Shahdad S, Hill R. Development of Novel Strontium Containing Bioactive Glass based Calcium Phosphate Cement. Dental Materials
  • 11. Valizadeh B, Barzanji SA, Patel M, Shahdad S. Rehabilitation of an Edentulous Maxilla in a Patient with Isolated Cleft Palate. Dent Update. 2016;43:214–6.
  • 12. Siddiqui MM, Patel M, Shahdad S. Spontaneous Alveolar Bone Growth in Ankylosed, Infraoccluded Teeth in Adolescents after Elective Decoronation--A Clinical Case Series. Dent Update. 2016;43:206–10.
  • 13. Chatzistavrianou D, Shahdad S. Implant treatment in patients with Sjogren’s syndrome: A review of literature and two clinical case reports. Eur J of Pros & Rest Dent 2016; 24, 40-46
  • 14. Chatzistavrianou D, Shahdad S. An alternative design to overcome the problem of unfavourable implant angulations for screw-retained implant supported fixed prosthesis: Two clinical case reports. Journal of Prosthodontics 2015 Jun 19. doi: 10.1111/jopr.12301
  • 15. Shahdad S, Gamble E. Management of Dental Trauma with Dental Implants – Part 1. Dent Update 2014; 41: 920-930
  • 16. Gamble E, Shahdad S. Management of Dental Trauma with Dental Implants – Part 2. Dental Update 2015;42:68-77
  • 17. D’Onofrio A, Kent N, Shahdad S, Rawlinson S, Liu J, Hill R. Development of a Novel Strontium Containing Injectable Bone Substitute for Dental Applications. Clin Oral Imp Res, 2014;25: 115-116.
  • 18. Shahdad SA, McCabe JM, Bull S, Rusby S, Wassell RW. Hardness measured with traditional Vickers and Martens hardness methods. Dental Materials 2007; (23) 1079-108
  • 19. Shahdad SA, McCabe JM, Rusby S, Wassell RW. Developments in denture teeth to prevent softening by food solvents. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine 2007; 18:1599-1603
  • 20. Shahdad SA, Taylor C, Barclay SC, Steen IN, and Preshaw PM. Double-blind, crossover study of Biotène Oralbalance and BioXtra systems as salivary substitutes in patients with post-radiotherapy xerostomia. European Journal of Cancer Care, 2005; (14) 319-326
  • 21. Shahdad SA and Kennedy JG. Bond strength of repaired anterior composite resins: an in vitro study. Journal of Dentistry 1998; (26) 685-694
  • 22. Wahadani A Al, Rashid S, Shahdad SA. Clinical Applications of non-rigid Connectors in Resin Bonded Bridges. Dental News 1996 III (II): 9-14
  • 23. Shahdad S, Makdissi J, Gamboa A. Relationship between labial bone dimensions, labio-palatal implant position and esthetic outcomes of single tooth implants 2023 Int J Pros doi: 10.11607/ijp.8052
  • 24. Wittneben JG, Wismeijer D, Shahdad S, Brägger U, Abou-Ayash S. Patient-reported Outcome Measures Focusing on the Esthetics of Implant- compared to Tooth-supported Single Crowns – A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. 2022 J Esthet Restor Dent 1-14
  • 25. Shahdad S, Bosshardt D, Patel M, Razaghi N, Patankar A, Roccuzzo M. Benchmark performance of anodized vs. sandblasted implant surfaces in an acute dehiscence type defect animal model. Clin Oral Impl Res. 2022;33:1135–1146.
  • 26. Gill T, Razaghi N, Patankar A, Shahdad S. Primary stability in non-immediate loaded dental implants: A systematic review & meta-analysis. Oral Communication. Clin Oral Impl Res, 2022;33: 3-55.
  • 27. Del Monte S, Shahdad S, Taylor P. Passive fit analysis of laser-sintered, three-unit implant prostheses: an in-vitro study. Int J Prosthodont. 2021 Mar 3. doi: 10.11607/ijp.7261. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33662050.
  • 28. Bornert F, Herber V, Sandgren R, Witek L, Coelho PG, Pippenger BE, Shahdad S. Comparative barrier membrane degradation over time: Pericardium versus dermal membranes. Clin Exp Dent Res. 2021 May 5. doi: 10.1002/cre2.414. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33949796.
  • 29. Shahdad S, Hindocha A, Patel T, Cagney N, Mueller J, Kochid A, Seoudi N, Morgan C, Fleming P, Din Fallow time determination in dentistry using aerosol measurement. Br Dent J 2021;10.1038/s41415-021-3369-1


Barts QMUL Collaborative Face Visor PPE project. Shahdad S, Din A

Grant - £25,000 (Barts Charity)
Barts QMUL Collaborative Face Visor PPE project - Phase 2 Shahdad S, Din A

Grant - £22,000 (Barts Charity)
Barts QMUL Collaborative Face Visor PPE project - Shahdad S, Kaspar Althoefer, Ildar Farkhatdinov

Grant - £22,000 (QMUL COVID-19 Rapid Response Impact Acceleration Fund)
Five year follow-up of SLActive implants placed in anterior maxillary sockets grafted with biphasic Bone Ceramic and restored with Variobase abutments Shahdad SA, Karatas B, Gamboa A

Research Grant - £15,000 (Straumann Institut, Switzerland)
Preclinical Development of a Novel Bioactive Glass Cement for Bone Graft Substitution in Dentistry. Shahdad SA, Rawlinson S, Kent N, Hill R, D'Onofrio A, Patel M, Hill R

Research Grant -
£442,000 (Medical Research Council UK)

£101,204 (Additional MRC funding)

£40,000 (in-kind contribution, Straumann Institut and Geistlich Pharma)
Randomised clinical trial comparing PEG-based synthetic Straumann Membragel™ to porcine-based collagen Bio-Gide™ as a barrier membrane in the preservation of alveolar bone in adult patients following tooth extraction. Shahdad SA, Makdissi J, Rawlinson S, Gamboa A, Hurst D

Research Grant - £116,000 (Straumann Institut, Switzerland)
Pilot pre-clinical trial of novel injectable bone substitute for alveolar socket filling. Shahdad SA, Kent N, Hill R, D'Onofrio A, Rawlinson S

Research grant: £9,300 (Queen Mary Innovation)
Preclinical In-vivo Canine Study of Novel Bioactive Glass Cements for Bone Grafting and Guided Bone Regeneration. Shahdad SA, Kent N, Hill R, D'Onofrio A, Rawlinson S

Research grant: £29,000 (International Team for Implantology)
An investigation into the wear of artificial denture teeth used in implant-retained prostheses. Shahdad SA, Wassell RW, McCabe JM, Rusby S.

Research grants:
£15,755 (Newcastle-upon-Tyne Hospitals Special Trustees)
£18,233 (NHS-Executive Northern & Yorkshire R&D)
£7000 (Ivoclar Vivadent)
Double-blind, cross-over study of Biotène Oralbalance and BioXtra systems as salivary substitutes in patients with post-radiotherapy xerostomia. Shahdad SA, Taylor C, Barclay SC, Steen N, Preshaw PM.

Research grant: £8000 (Molar UK Ltd.)
Digital versus conventional implant impressions: Influence of the technique on the fit accuracy of 3-unit implant-supported screw retained fixed dental prostheses. Ioannis Papadopoulos Shahdad S, Patel M –
of accuracy of fit between milled metal and laser sintered metal implant prosthesis frameworks. Stefano Del Monte, Shahdad S, Taylor P –
Development of novel strontium containing bioactive glass based calcium phosphate cements. Alessia D’Onofrio, Rawlinson S, Hill R, Shahdad S
In vitro investigation into connector dimensions for 2-unit cantilever zirconia resin-retained bridges. Theocharides C, Shahdad S, Lambourn G
Significance of Primary Stability for the Successful Osseointegration of Dental Implants: a Systematic Review. Banihamour A, Hurst D, Shahdad SA

Professor Ama Johal

Arya, D., Singh, S.V., Tripathi, A., Tripathi, S.K. Ama Johal. A pilot study to compare patient perception of obstructive sleep apnea treatment with CPAP or appliance therapy. Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, Vol. 112, Issue 5, p1188-1193.

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Padhraig S. Fleming, Robert T. Lee, Tom Mcdonald, Nikolaos Pandis, Ama Johal. The timing of significant arch dimensional changes with fixed orthodontic appliances: Data from a multicenter randomised controlled trial. Journal of Dentistry, Vol. 42, Issue 1, p1–6. Published online: November 21, 2013

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Ama Johal, Feras Abed Al Jawad, Wagner Marcenes, Nick Croft. Does orthodontic treatment harm children’s diets?. Journal of Dentistry, Vol. 41, Issue 11, p949–954. Published online: September 9, 2013

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Padhraig S. Fleming, Robert T. Lee, Valeria Marinho, Ama Johal. Comparison of maxillary arch dimensional changes with passive and active self-ligation and conventional brackets in the permanent dentition: A multicenter, randomized controlled trial. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, Vol. 144, Issue 2, p185–193. Published in issue: August, 2013

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Padhraig S. Fleming, Ama Johal, Nikolaos Pandis. Self-etch primers and conventional acid-etch technique for orthodontic bonding: A systematic review and meta-analysis. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, Vol. 142, Issue 1, p83–94. Published in issue: July, 2012

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Susan Cunningham, David Bearn, Philip Benson, Ama Johal, Declan Millett, Kevin O’Brien, Friedy Luther. In search of the sample: Recent experiences of a trial team in Orthodontics. Contemporary Clinical Trials, Vol. 32, Issue 4, p530–534. Published online: May 10, 2011

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Ama Johal, Joanna Battagel, Mark Hector. Controlled, prospective trial of psychosocial function before and after mandibular advancement splint therapy. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, Vol. 139, Issue 5, p581–587. Published in issue: May, 2011

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  • G Sharma, A Johal, H M Liversidge. Predicting agenesis of the mandibular second premolar from adjacent teeth. PLoS ONE 2016; 10(12): e0144180. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0144180
  • O’Rourke N, Albeedh H, Sharma P, Johal A. The Clinical Effectiveness of Bonded and Vacuum Formed Retainers: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics ( In press 2016)
  • Greewal B, Lee RT, Zou LF, Johal A. Royal London Space Analysis: Plaster Versus Digital model assessment. European Journal of Orthodontics (In press 2016)
  • Chatzopoulou D, Johal A. Management of gingival recession in the orthodontic patient. Seminars in Orthodontics. American Association of Orthodontics 2015; 21: 15-26
  • Johal A, Fleming P, Manek S, Marinho V. Mandibular advancement splint (MAS) therapy for obstructive sleep apnoea – an overview and quality assessment of systematic reviews. Sleep and Breathing 2015; 19: 1101-1108
  • Sudak R, Johal A, Fleming F. Orthodontic treatment prior to 11 years. A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Dentistry 2015; 43: 477–486
  • Fleming PS, Fedorowicz Z, Johal A et al. Surgical adjunctive procedures for accelerating orthodontic treatment. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2015; Issue 6. Art No: CD010572. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD010572.pub2
  • Cunningham S, Johal A. Orthognathic correction of dento-facial discrepancies. British Dental Journal 2015; 218: 167-175
  • PE Benson, T Da’as, A Johal, NA Mandall, AC Williams, SR Baker, Z Marshman. Relationships between dental appearance, self-esteem, socio-economic status, and oral health-related quality of life in UK schoolchildren: A 3-year cohort study. The European Journal of Orthodontics 2015;37: 481-490
  • Johal A, Sharma NR, McLaughlin K, Zou L. The reliability of thermoform retainers: a laboratory-based comparative study The European Journal of Orthodontics 2015; 37: 503-507
  • Johal A, Joury E. What factors predict the uptake of orthodontic treatment amongst adults? American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics 2015; 147: 704-710
  • Pacha M, Fleming P, Johal A. A comparison of the efficacy of fixed versus removable functional appliances in children with Class II malocclusion: A systematic review. European Journal of Orthodontics 2015; doi: 10.1093/ejo/cjv086
  • Fleming, F.S., Lee R., McDonald T., Pandis N, Johal, A. The timing of significant arch dimensional changes with fixed appliances: Data from a randomised controlled trial. Journal of Dentistry 2014; 42: 1-6
  • Johal A, Fleming P, Abed Al Jawad F. A prospective longitudinal controlled assessment of pain experience and oral health related quality of life in adolescents undergoing fixed appliance treatment. Orthodontics and Craniofacial Research 2014; 17: 178-186
  • Johal A, Alyaqoobi I, Patel R, Cox S. The impact of orthodontic treatment on quality of life and self-esteem in adult patients. The European Journal of Orthodontics 2014; doi: 10.1093/ejo/cju047
  • Fleming PS, Lee RT, Marinho V, Johal A (2013). Comparison of maxillary arch dimensional changes with passive and active self-ligation and conventional brackets in the permanent dentition: a multicenter, randomized controlled trial. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics. Aug; 144(2):185-93. doi: 10.1016/j.ajodo.2013.03.012.
  • Johal A, Abed Al Jawad F, Marcenes W, Croft N (2013). Does Orthodontic treatment harm children’s diets? Journal of Dentistry Sep 7. doi:pii: S0300-5712(13)00237-6. 10.1016/j.jdent.2013.08.025. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Johal A, Katsaros C, Kiliaridis S, Leitao P, Rosa M, Sculean A, Weiland F, Zachrisson B (2013). State of the science on controversial topics:orthodontic therapy and gingival recession (a report of the Angle Society of Europe 2013 meeting). Progress in Orthodontics, 14:16
  • Johal, A., Abed Al Jawad, F., Marcenes, W., Croft, N. (2013) Does orthodontic treatment harm children’s diets? Journal of Dentistry, http:// dx,
  • Hayes, M., Johal, A. (2012) The influence of malocclusion on the diagnostic value of the dental pantomagram in the upper labial segment. Orthodontics and Craniofacial Research, Aug;15(3):169-77. doi: 10.1111/j.1601-6343.2012.01549.
  • Suchak, A., Johal, A., Wade, A. (2012) Useful concepts for critical appraisal –Part 1 associations, outcomes and errors. Orthodontic Update 5: 113-117.
  • Suchak, A., Johal, A., Wade, A. (2012) Useful concepts for critical appraisal –Part 1 considering chance. Orthodontic Update 5: 82-88.
  • Suchak, A., Johal, A., Wade, A. (2012) Useful concepts for critical appraisal –Part 1 study design. Orthodontic Update 5: 57-60.
  • Fleming, F.S., Johal, A., Pandis N. (2012) Self-etch primers and conventional acid-etch technique for orthodontic bonding: A systematic review and meta-analysis. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics. 142:83-94.
  • Fleming, F.S., Johal, A., Pandis N. (2012) The effectiveness of laceback ligatures during initial orthodontic alignment: A systematic review and meta-analysis. European Journal of Orthodontics. 2012 Apr 26. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Johal A, Katsaros C, Kuijpers-Jagtman AM, ASE Membership Group (2012). State of the science on controversial topics: Missing maxillary lateral incisors – a report of the Angle Society of Europe 2012 meeting. Progress in Orthodontics
  • Joury, E., Marcenes, W., Johal, A.(2011) The role of psychosocial factors in predicting orthodontic treatment outcome at the end of one year of active treatment. European Journal of Orthodontics. 2011 Sep 28. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Cunningham, S., Bearn, D., Benson, P., Johal, A., Millet, D., O’Brien, K., Luther, F (2011). In search of the sample: recent experiences of a clinical trial team in orthodontics. Contemporary Clinical trials 32: 530-534.
  • Al Jawad, F., Croft, N., Cunningham, S., Johal, A. (2011) A qualitative study of the effects of fixed orthodontic treatment on dietary intake and behaviours. European Journal of Orthodontics. May 13. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Johal, A., Battagel, J.M., Hector, M.P. (2011) Controlled, prospective trial of psychosocial function before and after mandibular advancement splint therapy. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics. 139(5):581-7
  • Johal,A., Battagel, J.M., Hector, M.P. controlled, prospective trial of psychosocial function before and after mandibular advancement splint therapy. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics (In Press).
  • Fleming, F.S., Johal, A. (2010) Self-ligating brackets in orthodontics: A systematic review. Angle Orthodontist. 80:575–584
  • Church S.K.J., Littlewood, S.J., Blance, A., Gowans, A.J. Hodge, T.M., Spencer, J. Johal, A. (2009) Are general dental practitioners effective in the management of non-apnoeic snoring using mandibular advancement appliances? British Dental Journal, 206, E15.
  • Fleming, P.S., Johal, A., Dibiase, A.T.(2008) Managing malocclusion in the mixed dentition: six keys to success. Part 2. Dental Update, 35, 673-676.
  • Fleming, P.S., Johal, A., Dibiase, A.T.(2008) Managing malocclusion in the mixed dentition: six keys to success. Part 1. Dental Update, 35, 607-610.
  • Johal, A. (2008) A review of the use of mandibular advancement appliances in sleep disordered breathing. Dental Update, 35, 230-235.
  • Owens, A-M. and Johal, A. (2008) The use of near-end of treatment panoramic radiographs in the assessment of mesio-distal root angulation. Angle Orthodontist, 78, 475-481.
  • Johal, A. (2007) Why get involved in the treatment of snorers? Word of Mouth, Orthodontics Products Online (In Press).
  • Lang A.O. Sleep Apnea Syndrome Research Trends(2007) Johal, A. New concepts in mandibular advancement appliances for sleep-disordered breathing. Chapter 1, 17-35. Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
  • Johal, A., Patel, S. and Battagel J.M.(2007) The relationship between craniofacial anatomy and obstructive sleep apnoea: a case-controlled study. Journal of Sleep Research, 16, 319-326.
  • Johal, A., Hector, M.P., Battagel, J.M. and Kotecha, B.T. (2007) The impact of sleep nasendoscopy on the outcome of mandibular advancement splint therapy in subjects with sleep-related breathing disorders. The Journal of Laryngology and Otology, 121, 668-675
  • Johal, A., Cheung, M.Y.H. and Marcenes, W. (2007) The impact of two different malocclusion traits on quality of life: Research summary, questions and answers. British Dental Journal, 202, 88-89.
  • Johal, A., Cheung, M.Y.H. and Marcenes, W. (2007) The impact of two different malocclusion traits on quality of life. British Dental Journal, 202, E6
  • Johal, A., Gill, G., Ferman, A. and Mclaughlin K. (2006) The effect of mandibular advancement splints on awake upper airway and masticatory muscle activity in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea. Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging, 27, 47-53.
  • Johal, A. (2006) Health-related quality of life in patients with sleep disordered breathing: Effect of mandibular advancement appliances. The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, 96, 298-302.
  • Johal, A. (2006) Obstructive sleep apnoea. Dental Nursing, 2: 118-120.
  • Johal, A., Battagel, J.M. and Kotecha, B.T. (2005) Sleep nasendoscopy: a diagnostic tool for predicting treatment success with mandibular advancement splints in obstructive sleep apnoea. European Journal of Orthodontics, 27, 606-6614.
  • Johal, A., Arya, D., Winchester, L.J., Venn, P.J.H. and Brooks, H. (2005) The effect of a mandibular advancement splint in subjects with sleep-related breathing disorders. British Dental Journal, 199, 591-596.
  • Battagel, J.M. Johal, A. and Kotecha, B.T. (2005) Sleep nasendoscopy as a predictor of treatment success in snorers using mandibular advancement splints. The Journal of Laryngology and Otology, 119, 106-112.
  • Johal, A. (2005) Mandibular advancement splint therapy and sleep nasendoscopy in subjects with sleep-related breathing disorders: a clinical trial. PhD Thesis. University of London.
  • Johal, A. and Conaghan, C. (2004) Maxillary morphology in obstructive sleep apnea: A cephalometric and model study. Angle Orthodontist, 74, 648-656.
  • Johal, A. and Kirschen, R. (2003) The valuable contribution of space analysis in the planning and execution of orthodontic treatment. Journal of Orthodontics, 30, 178.
  • Johal, A. (2002) The Orthoworld Specialist Practitioner Prize Cases 2000. Journal of Orthodontics, 29, 251-265.
  • Ismail, S.F.H. and Johal A. (2002) The role of implants in orthodontics. Journal of Orthodontics, 29, 239-245.
  • Battagel, J.M., Johal, A., Smith, A-M. and Kotecha, B. (2002) Postural variation in oropharyngeal dimensions in subjects with sleep disordered breathing: a cephalometric study. European Journal of orthodontics, 24, 263-276.
  • Johal, A., Loh, S. and Heng J.K. (2001) A clinical investigation into the behaviour of crimpable archwire hooks. Journal of Orthodontics, 28, 203-205
  • Johal, A., and Battagel, J.M. (2001) Current principles in the management of obstructive sleep apnoea with mandibular advancement appliances. British Dental Journal, 190, 532-536
  • Battagel, J.M. and Johal, A. (2000) A cephalometric comparison of normal weight and obese subjects with obstructive sleep apnoea. Radiography, 6, 283-292
  • Johal, A., Battagel, J.M., and Kotecha, B. (2000) A cephalometric comparison of subjects with snoring and obstructive sleep apnoea. European Journal of Orthodontics, 22, 353-365
  • Johal, A., Harper, C. and Sherriff, M. (1999)Properties of crimpable archwire hooks: A laboratory investigation. European Journal of Orthodontics, 21, 679-683
  • Johal, A. & Battagel J.M. (1999) An investigation into the changes in airway dimension and the efficacy of mandibular advancement appliances in subjects with Obstructive Sleep Apnoea. British Journal of Orthodontics,26, 205-210
  • Battagel, J.M., Johal, A., L’Estrange, P.R., Croft, C.B. and Kotecha, B. (1998)Changes in airway and hyoid position in response to mandibular protrusion in subjects with Obstructive Sleep Apnoea.European Journal of Orthodontics, 21, 353-376
  • Johal, A. & Ide M. (1998) Orthodontics in the adult patient, with special reference to the periodontally compromised patient. Dental Update, 26, 101-108
  • Johal, A (1998) The relationship between Obstructive Sleep Apnoea and Dentistry: Part 2 Management.Dental Update, 25, 474-477.
  • Johal, A (1998) The relationship between Obstructive Sleep Apnoea and Dentistry: Part 1 Aetiology and Diagnosis.Dental Update, 25, 380-383.
  • Johal, A. and Lee, R.T. (1997) The periodontal-orthodontic interface: A simple solution to a difficult problem. British Journal of Orthodontics, 25, 95-99.
  • Johal, A. and Chate, R.A.C. (1997) An assessment into cross infection control in a District General Hospital. Orthodontic Audit Working Party Newsletter, Royal College of Surgeons of England. Newsletter 10.
  • Johal, A. and Battagel J.M. (1997) Dental crowding: A Comparison of Three Methods of assessment. European Journal of Orthodontics, 19, 543-551.
  • Johal, A. (1997) Submerged Deciduous Molars: A Review and Alternative Treatment Approach.European Journal of Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry, 5, 5-9
  • Battagel J.M., Johal A. and Crow V. (1996) The Assessment of crowding without the need to record arch perimeter. Part II: Crowded and Irregular arches. British Journal of Orthodontics, 23, 229-236.
  • Johal, A. (1995)Dental Crowding: A Comparison of Three Methods of Assessment.M.Sc. Thesis, University of London.
  • Johal, A., Davies, S.J., Franklin, C.D. (1994) Condylar metastasis : a review and case report. British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 32,180-182.


  • Patel, S.I., Battagel, J.M., Johal, A. (2006) Craniofacial anatomy and pharyngeal dimensions in subjects with obstructive sleep apnoea.
  • Leyland, L., Fearne, J. and Johal, A. (2004) Early extraction of the first permanent molar: a retrospective study. International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry, 14, ii-iii.
  • Battagel, J.M., Johal, A., Kotecha, B. and Croft, C.B. (2000) Body mass index in obstructive sleep apnoea: a cephalometric evaluation. European Journal of Orthodontics, 22, 571.
  • Battagel, JM, Johal, A, Kotecha, B and Croft, CB (1999) Cephalometric comparisons of subjects with snoring and obstructive sleep apnoea. European Journal of Orthodontics, 21, 572-573.
  • Johal, A and Battagel, JM (1999) The Orthodontist’s contribution to the management of obstructive sleep apnoea. European Journal of Orthodontics, 21, 594.
  • Battagel, JM., Johal, A., Kotecha, B. and Croft, CB (1998) Responses to mandibular protrusion in subjects with obstructive sleep apnoea. European Journal of Orthodontics, 20, 613.
  • Johal, A. (1996) Dental Crowding: A Comparison of Three different methods of Assessment. Journal of Dental Research,75, 213.

Published Reviews

  • Risk management in orthodontics: experts’ guide to malpractice. Graber, T.M., Eliades, T. and Athanasiou, A. 2004 Quintessence Publishing Co. Inc.
  • Orthodontic management of agenesis and other complexities. Arvystas, M 2003 Martin Dunitz Ltd.
  • An introduction to orthodontics. Mitchell, L. 2002 Oxford University Press.
  • ‘Management of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea/Hypopnea Syndrome in Adults’ 2002. Scotish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network.
  • ‘Diagnosis of the Orthodontic Patient’ McDonald, F. and Ireland, A.J. 1998 Oxford University Press.
  • ‘Understanding Orthodontics’ Perry, H.T. and Forbes, D.P. 1997 Quintessence Publishing Co. Inc

Dr Sarah Shah

  • Shah S, Roebuck EM, Nugent Z, Deery CH (2007) ‘In vitro microleakage of a fissure sealant polymerized by either a quartz tungsten halogen curing light or a plasma arc curing light’ ; International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry 17 (5), 371–377,
  • Shah S, CH Deery, LK McCaul “Prosthetic Rehabilitation of a patient diagnosed with a chondrosarcoma”. Int J Paed Dent 2006;16 :13,
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